Friday 4 May 2012

Food bacteria

Food can also make you sick if you are not careful of what you eat and how you keep the food before you make the food and eat it. Food poisoning also referred to as food-borne illnesses. This kind of illnesses can be found in food and leads to severe pains in your stomach and leaves you very weak that you can barely move. Most Chefs refer to this as cross contimination, ths is when you use one chopping board to chop vegies and meat.We food at the wrong places and use it than we get sick. The most important thing to do is to read the in the food instruction packs to be on the safe side. Our bodies are different and other people allergies towards certain food, so the best thing to do is to know your body,what you allergy to and your blood type. You either make use of a general doctor or a food specialist near your location. Food poison can cause deaths also , it is not only with take aways that you can get food poisoning but you can also get it at home when you preparing a meal for yourself or your family. It take 2 to 6 hours for the symptoms to start , it affects your immune system after eating the food. Really now if you know that you have kept food for a long  time in the freezer or in other food storages just throw it away, it is not fresh and not in a good condition to be eaten. Make use of best before dates before you buy food.If you eat well you will stay well and do not get such sicknesses.
General guidelines:

1.Make sure that food from animals is cooked well.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Quality of the food you eat and buy.
4. Do not leave food for a long tome in the freezer.
5. Avoid cross-contimanition.

Friday 27 April 2012

Passion or Fashion

I am still focusing on food and chefs. I got a chance this time around to interview a professional chef and is also a teacher at Hoerskool Bergvlam via a telephonically interview and my first question was why did she choose to go for cooking as a profession because there were better careers to choose from and I quote “I am a very artistic person so I wanted to show ma artistic skills with food so I went for it.” The other thing that Mrs Britz said that u really need to have respect food before you work with it first than after that comes the  understanding and what food requires . My second question I askes was about the passion that she has or it just all about the money she wants to make? “Passion she said”.Chefs cook for alot of people not just cooking for their families. Chefs cook because they want to sell the organisations or they do it because they enjoy being in the kitchen. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication to be a professional chef but other people do not have enough knowledge about cooking and skills. Cooking shows are as a form of communicating a message to the target audience and their intention is to sell the food and also learn one or two tricks about cooking and being a chef, it is not as easy as it looks. If you do not like all the ingredients that the chefs uses in a certain dish than you have all the right to change it and be creative as it is said that it is also a form of art. Yes it is true that we all want money but some people think that chefs do not make a lot but some other chefs love their jobs so much that they would never stop to cook or do anything that relates to food. It does not end there, some have their own restaurants, write books and lecture at Institutions too.
How to recognise a professional chef:
Chef’s jacket must have black buttons.
Usually assist junior chef.
Chef’s jacket is usually designed differently.
For further reading and information about chefs and the academies go to

Friday 20 April 2012

Cooking for Professionals

Cooking can really be a way to relax and decrease stress levels but for others there is more to cooking and take the professional route , becoming a chef. Masterchef is back on the screens and more publicity for professional chefs and junior showcasing their skills and talent given the opportunity to improve their skills and show how food can be very interesting. The television programmed is watched by many and uses celebritiers as judges.It has found a new angle to get to thier target audience using television to send and educate people about food, it gives chefs the exposure to them and the food also, gets more popular. The programme highlights the skills the chefs have and who would have thought that South African chefs can haveso much skills and be passionate about food until you watch Masterchef. Food is exposed abd it is so amazing what one thing or type of food can do for example ,most people think rice is just used for the main course meal but it can be also used to make dessert. I wonder if chefs also cook at home or just do it for television. Do they also go all outwhen cooking for thier families

Chefs also specialize in different sectors, have interest in types of food and specialize in it . I would think it is a talent but other people love food  and end up going to study so they become professionals. There are terms used to refer to certain chefs : Chef de cuisine is a chef that is responsible for the menu creation and will therefore have a helper that is referred to as the Sous chef and the Demi chef is similar to the senior shef and the chefs that interest me the most and I call them the sweet chefs are Pastry chefs because they work with chocolate and bread ofcourse....Also get chef de Saucier,Passonier and Rotisseur. Its all for the love of food

Friday 13 April 2012

four seasons

we have to compliment the people that make food look so beautiful and eye catching for us to buy and what our taste buds will get to taste different types of food and am i talking about? the professional chefs ofcourse. Food is very broad and some of the chefs specialize in different catergories in the food industry,they make look so good that when you look at it u just want to buy. As the seasons change so does the food change because there are certain foods that are found in specific seasons and it available to people. If we look at marketing the food is marketed and sold to people using television for example so people can see what is available at the markets and stores. There is two types of catorgories and that is warm food that mostly serve in winter and cold food for summer, some resturants have meals according to seasons because they know what the customers need. It is winter now so food that you can look forward to eat at home or resturants can be soups,baked potatos and have a warm dessert like custdard. Adverts on can so attractive but if you want to have good food do not stress out but just a simple cook book and try it at home and i mentioned that buying your own food cn help save more money than you can imagine. for examlpe.
A simple home made soup:
All this ingridients will give you the best soup but because of the adverts on television they convince you that the only best soup you can get is at Mikes kitchen and persue to agree with them and the only soup you want is from their resturant . Their aim is just to sell their image and have a relationship with the people , the more people go to eat there the more publicity they get. What food needs is to play around with it and coming up with your recipes but do not just mix anything together cause you might get cross contimination and get sick.....Try make something this season.

Friday 30 March 2012

food that heals

I recently found out that even chillies can help to get rid of rash on your body and was thinking that the simple things or ingridients that you would have in those kitchen cupboards can you, that is food for you. we do not just eat it but it also for our own benefit if you only know what is good for you. honey and cinnamon is good for your face simple and cheap. That goes back to the fact that using food can be cheaper than to buy certain products. Herbs are also part of food nd itz also heals, yes it brings aroma to food but people use it for different purposes like facial skin care,spices and remedies especially in different cultures. Food such as  garlic,ginger and ginger have an impact on the human body .Such information is communicated to us in books but other people do not like reading so an easier way of getting or informing the people would be adverts o billoards. Public relations can maximise through pr tactics and suitable advertisment.

Friday 23 March 2012

Quick and Easy

That is what we all think of when we hear or see the word fast food. fast food can be the easiest meal one that one can get for a choice meat. It saves time and there is no preparation that is required when you buy the food, it does really save alot of time for people that do not really like to make food for themselves at times.People that are busy and always on the road would rather eat fast food cause they are always travelling and can not get time to make food . There is healthy food but the problem might be that people just do not know about it , you just have to take time and find out about it . Majority of the fast food that we get can be bad for your health , be expensive  too. It can cause:
1.High blood pressure.
2.High cholesterol.
3.Increase weight.
But when it is not good for ones health than why should it be marketed and sold to people? The aim is to sell so marketers know how to get you to but their product in terms of the adverts that they make using mass media to send the message across to their target audiences. For example  a simple burger and fries is not as attractive for children but as soon as they include toys than they want it now just because of the toy, basically marketers use some way of a trick to get your attention like buying something and getting something free. The communication aspects also includes promotion, price,product and place so they know how to promote the product at the correct places and knowing what the price will be. At a fast food restuarant try to make a careful menu selection with your food ,drink water with your food avoiding dressing and other souces"undress your food" and try not to eat on a rush. No matter how the food can br attractive always make sure if the food will benefit you in a positive or negetive way.

Friday 16 March 2012

which is cheaper and healthier

I have picked up that most people stress about when it comes to food and loosing weight in an instant and which food is good for their skin, looking and feeling good is all about taking good care of your body and eating well. I emphasise on eating for your type. So i know that if a person is weight concious will have a problem and will expect results in no time. Lets face it , attempting to loose weight is not an easy task and it is also very difficult but my question is does slimming pills work faster than a normal balanced or just swapping high-calorie to healthy food.  The pills claimto work fast and speed up your metabolism and it is believed that you do not have to be on a diet when you taking them. Are these pills worth the money? people end up spending more money on the pills than expected, why not just use an easier and safer way to burn the fat.
Some other alternatives to loose weight can be :
physical excercise
Special herbs
there are pills like exnical with orlistat which causes illnesses like blood presure and that is not good for a persons health. having to pay more on the quicker weight lost option and seeing a doctor for illnesses that to buy healthy food and excerise to keep healthy and fit . If you u have high blood pressure you can just eat wont add on the the  illness like vegetables,fruits and fish.
which one do you prefer a longer healthy life or take a risk with it.... dosage that can cost you more than 200 per month such as Unique Hoodia is available on prescription is the strongest available.

Friday 9 March 2012

we all love food don't we but we all different and love different food from one another. we believe that the three basic needs is food,security and love but too much food can be bad for you. Do you eat to live or live to eat?. Most people da both and yes people do need to survive and without food we would not  survive and we would die but why must one eat when he or she is not hungry. it becomes a habit to eat wen you feel like eating and some eat to comfort themselves. some reasons why people eat comfort food:
  • Some believe that comfort food makes them feel better.
  • These triggers emotions and can be anything from feeling lonely.
  • You think that you want something.
  • Not in a good mood.
we know that food gives us energy but one thing that we must not forget that good healthy food is good for our health and bodies to function properly too. Food is also a way of bringing people together and have a good time at parties and other gatherings, some adverts on tv have scenes showing certain food for certain occassion and that is a way of selling the products to people that love food. Another example of comfort food can be ice-cream and chocolate but too much of that is not good for a person. Some people believe that if you eat alot you will become fat, eating a bit of everything ensures a healthier lifestyle and people can still loose weight by having a balance diet and do not look the way that magazines make thin people seem and compare people in reality. So love food,stay healthy and eat for your type.