Friday 27 April 2012

Passion or Fashion

I am still focusing on food and chefs. I got a chance this time around to interview a professional chef and is also a teacher at Hoerskool Bergvlam via a telephonically interview and my first question was why did she choose to go for cooking as a profession because there were better careers to choose from and I quote “I am a very artistic person so I wanted to show ma artistic skills with food so I went for it.” The other thing that Mrs Britz said that u really need to have respect food before you work with it first than after that comes the  understanding and what food requires . My second question I askes was about the passion that she has or it just all about the money she wants to make? “Passion she said”.Chefs cook for alot of people not just cooking for their families. Chefs cook because they want to sell the organisations or they do it because they enjoy being in the kitchen. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication to be a professional chef but other people do not have enough knowledge about cooking and skills. Cooking shows are as a form of communicating a message to the target audience and their intention is to sell the food and also learn one or two tricks about cooking and being a chef, it is not as easy as it looks. If you do not like all the ingredients that the chefs uses in a certain dish than you have all the right to change it and be creative as it is said that it is also a form of art. Yes it is true that we all want money but some people think that chefs do not make a lot but some other chefs love their jobs so much that they would never stop to cook or do anything that relates to food. It does not end there, some have their own restaurants, write books and lecture at Institutions too.
How to recognise a professional chef:
Chef’s jacket must have black buttons.
Usually assist junior chef.
Chef’s jacket is usually designed differently.
For further reading and information about chefs and the academies go to


  1. do you think one would make a good career in being a chef since some people dont make it big in that industry?

  2. I have recently realised , especially with me that I really dont look into who does the cookin who prepared the meals I eat at resturants and now that uv mentioned it , it goes back to appreciating their work because like you side its a passion. My question is which gender is more dominant in the chef industry?

  3. @ Inno yes you can but it takes alot of hard work and dedication to get to the top and @ Molebogeng according to my findings there are more male chefs tham female.

  4. i heared chefs do not make a lot of money is that true?

  5. you say ''the are better careers out there'' do you mean that being a chef is something not to be proud off? this seems to be the generalization people have about chef school.what would you recommend for it to be taken seriously such as other careers?

  6. In South Africa being a Chef is taken lightly, one must either go out of the country and master being a chef. When he or she returns he/she will be well recognised.

  7. Does one really need to go to school for being a professional chef? isnt cooking a skill?

  8. well i dont really think the kind of job you are doing really matters as long as you are in love with it.i really like how your interviewee answered your question “I am a very artistic person so I wanted to show ma artistic skills with food so I went for it.” but if i may ask do we really have many job opportunities for Chefs out there compared to other carrers
